Logopress, a plug-in to SolidWorks, enables users to effectively implement progressive die manufacturing. With Logopress ProgSim, they use a technology based on the industry-proven AutoForm solver for forming simulation in their familiar SolidWorks environment.

“Simulation with Logopress ProgSim is an accelerator for us,” Marc Löhmann, Managing Director of Löhmann Automotive Systems (LAS) in Iserlohn, Germany, sends right ahead. “It saves us time. A lot of time, in fact.” Since 2021, the supplier of stamped and stamped-bent parts has been working with the module, which enables it to simulate thinning and thickening, wrinkling and cracking, and springback when creating strip layouts. For sheet thicknesses from 0.2 to 3 mm, LAS processes a lot of chrome-nickel steels 1.4301 and 1.4310. This is also one of the reasons why simulation is so interesting for the supplier. 1.4310, for example, bounces back strongly. Logopress ProgSim enables Iserlohn to get close to the component behavior at an early stage of the project.
Such advantages are clearly illustrated by a component for the new Audi Q5. For this component, which is later used to open the engine hood via a Bowden cable, the first thing LAS did after receiving the order was to design the tool in Logopress. After the strip layout was created, Logopress ProgSim was used to calculate the springback. For years, the supplier has been working with Logopress DieDesign, which covers mold design and strip layout through to unwinding. Since 2021, the toolset has also included Logopress ProgSim, which, with its virtual tryout press, is designed for small to medium-sized punched and punch-bent parts. Already in the draft phase of the mold design and strip layout, the module can be used to eliminate formability and springback problems and reduce tryout efforts.
In the case of the component for the Audi Q5, the design of the mold was completed very quickly. Manufactured from cold-rolled, easily formable DC03, only minor springback was to be expected for the component anyway. However, the part has beads that are designed to stiffen the material at a defined angle. The iterations with Logopress ProgSim, aimed mainly at forming and springback, worked wonderfully, especially the simulation of the beads. All angles were correct without reworking, and there were no complaints from the OEM – an ideal case. The fact that it occurred is due to the simulation, without which LAS would have gone in at a different angle. With the consequence of rework. Against this background, production of the component will begin shortly.
The supplier has now been working with Logopress ProgSim for two years, so that the advantages can be reliably stated: In addition to the early consultation of the customer, the reduction of tryout efforts and the reduction of rework or even missing parts, it is above all the time savings. However, this is particularly important to LAS because customers often order the tools very late. The remaining margin for design and construction is usually very short. This is where Logopress ProgSim helps immensely. Especially since the simulations – which are based on AutoForm technology – are basically very solid and detail aspects that were not known before.

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In the case of the component for the Audi Q5, these were small lugs that had to be implemented as a drawing operation. In the process, the bend tapers upward, and the material underneath becomes thinner. This behavior was simulated and discussed with the customer who wanted to use the nose as a stop. In order not to thin out too much, LAS then reduced the height and improved the functionality of the stop with this adjustment. This shows: Thanks to Logopress ProgSim, LAS can alert its customers to problems even before actual production begins. It is shown at an early stage where material will run in or out, or how tolerances that are too tight can be corrected. The supplier can influence the drawing and offer an optimized design – also with a view to measuring the component later. This is a very important point for the Iserlohn-based company, which they always discuss with customers. Because how to measure is not trivial. With Logopress ProgSim, however, it can be specified from the beginning that measurements are to be taken at location x at height y. All this saves a lot of time.
LAS is also positive about the regular further development of Logopress. This applies in particular to the subject of springback: Whereas in the past it was represented visually, today any springback can be extracted as a mesh body. “The fact that I can then take differentiated measurements on this body enables me to work even more professionally – also in communication with the customer: I simply create a presentation and point out possible problems,” Marc Löhmann summarizes. “This allows me to intervene in the component design quickly and in a well-founded manner. With Logopress, we have all the tools we need today and look forward to new features every year.”
Logopress SAS
Since 1989, Logopress SAS has focused primarily on the development of tool design software for the tooling and metal forming industries, as well as the associated unwinding software for various applications. Logopress is a world leader in tool design software and its products have earned Solidworks Certified Gold Partner status. Since 2019, Logopress has been part of the AutoForm Group.