Workforce and employer help together

Schuler headquarters in Göppingen © Nele Kirk
Schuler headquarters in Göppingen © Nele Kirk

The dramatic fate of the people in Ukraine has triggered a wave of willingness to help among Schuler’s workforce in Germany.

Barely four weeks after the company’s first appeal for donations, the target of 25,000 euros has been exceeded on Schuler’s Ukraine donation portal for the benefit of the German Red Cross (DRK). The company’s management has now doubled this amount, thereby providing the DRK with a total of over 50,000 euros to support people suffering from war and displacement.

“This is a very strong signal from our employees,” praised CEO Domenico Iacovelli. “The willingness of the workforce to help is impressive, especially when you know that many colleagues have donated privately before and also, in many cases, spontaneously offered housing and other practical help to refugees from Ukraine.”
