Without the transformation of the steel industry to “Green Steel”, the rapid climate change will be unstoppable. The electric steel producer Swiss Steel has already taken decisive steps in the area of decarbonization in steel production.
It is not without reason that the ecological footprint of the Swiss Steel Group (SSG) is around 78 percent lower than the global industry average. This is mainly due to two circumstances:
– SSG only operates “electric arc routes”, i.e. it only utilizes scrap. The energy requirement is therefore far lower than for operators of “blast furnace routes”, which extract steel from iron ore.
– SSG generates a large part of the electricity for its electric steel from hydropower.
You will find many detailed explanations on this in the “White Paper” of the Swiss Steel Group.
The “White Paper” contains information on the following topics:
1. blast furnace route versus electric arc furnace route
2. hydrogen instead of natural gas
3. green electricity instead of gray electricity
4. high-alloy scrap instead of alloy metals
5. recognize, act, spur on
6. “Green Steel” as a research and technology platform
7. worthless waste heat as a resource and expensive traction energy
8. green steel as a signal for other industries
9. not just a bio-label for steel, but an invitation to think and collaborate
10. miscellaneous charts
In addition, you will learn how the Swiss Steel Group has improved its carbon footprint and will make it even more environmentally friendly in the future. Companies emit CO2 in a total of 3 scopes (Scope 1,2,3):
Scope 1: includes the direct CO2 emissions of a company
Scope 2: includes indirect CO2 emissions by energy suppliers.
Scope 3: includes the indirect CO2 emissions of the upstream and downstream supply chain
The calculated consumptions are then converted using emission factors (conversion variables) and output as CO2 equivalents.
In this white paper you will not only be informed about the use of Green Steel and its production, but also fully about the status quo and the future steps in steel production in the plants of the Swiss Steel Group.
All information is available on the homepage of the Swiss Steel Group. The link to download the white paper is https://www.swissgreensteel.com/uploads/content/SSG_White-Paper_Swiss-Green-Steel_DE_2022-08-03-152236_gpqc.pdf