By linking it to real production data, Schuler’s “Energy Monitor” enables savings of ten percent and more.
Electricity prices currently know only one direction: upward, and in steep flight. So it’s high time to look around for ways to save energy in the press shop, too. Important clues are provided by Schuler’s “Energy Monitor”, which links information on the power consumption of a line, including all peripherals – such as the coil line or transfer – with the production data. This makes it possible to see at a glance, for example, which tool and which product has the highest energy requirement at which stroke rate.

© Schuler
Expensive standby operation
“Experience shows that customers save at least ten percent once they know the consumers in detail,” explains Andreas Banzhaf from Schuler Service. An “aha” effect often occurs when it is made transparent how many hours some presses are ready for operation – but do not produce. It is not uncommon for the systems to stay on over the weekend, drawing between 500 and 1,000 kilowatt hours, depending on their size, without a single part falling on the outfeed conveyor. This corresponds to the complete weekend consumption of 50 private households.
Curious customers
“In addition, many automotive manufacturers now require their suppliers to provide precise information on the energy required per component produced,” adds Andreas Banzhaf. This is exactly the information that the Energy Monitor calculates automatically. The prerequisite for this is that the Production Monitor is already installed on the Schuler line. Both applications are part of the Digital Suite, which now bundles a whole range of solutions from the press manufacturer for networking forming technology. They can be accessed from any device via digitalsuite.schulergroup.com.
Installed in one day
The necessary measuring systems for the Energy Monitor are installed within one day and are already prepared for future functional expansions and updates. According to Andreas Banzhaf, the investment costs will pay for themselves within a very short time: “Especially since we can’t assume that energy prices will return to their previous level in the foreseeable future.”