Thanks to “Schuler Connect”, plant operators can now receive fast and effective assistance from experts via smartphone or data glasses
The Corona pandemic has accelerated digitalization in almost all areas of life; video conferencing, for example, has become an integral part of communication. Schuler goes one step further: “Schuler Connect” is a portal developed for the support of industrial services that not only transmits live images via app for mobile phone or data glasses – numerous innovative add-ons enable optimal support for remote maintenance.
“In the process, our experts use augmented reality technology to fade targeted information into the image signal that provides effective assistance for the system operator,” explains service sales manager Ernst Schwoshuber. With Schuler Connect, time-consuming and costly service calls can be reduced, thus shortening downtimes. Schwoshuber emphasizes that Schuler has placed particular emphasis on the security of data transmission.
“Schuler Connect is already in the test phase at several customers, and the initial feedback is very promising,” adds Service Managing Director Torsten Petrick. The system has already been in use within the company for a year, for example for communication between design and internal assembly, or for quality assurance and acceptance of presses in China.
Schuler Connect is part of the press manufacturer’s “Digital Suite”. This also includes improved “Track and Trace” solutions for continuous monitoring of the parts produced, as well as the “Visual Die Protection” tool monitoring system, with which impending damage can be detected and eliminated at an early stage.