New management team

Ilse Henne, neue Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende © Thyssenkrupp Steel

At an extraordinary meeting of the Supervisory Board, Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG made key personnel decisions regarding the repositioning of the company.

Dennis Grimm, confirmed Spokesman of the Executive Board © Thyssenkrupp Steel
Dennis Grimm, confirmed Spokesman of the Executive Board
© Thyssenkrupp Steel
Ilse Henne, member of the Executive Board of Thyssenkrupp AG and CEO of the Materials Services business segment, was appointed as the new Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board. Knut Giesler, District Manager of IG Metall North Rhine-Westphalia, was appointed to the Supervisory Board of Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG on the employee side and elected Deputy Chairman. The other vacant positions on the shareholder side will be filled by Detlef Schotten, Andreas Zinke and Sonja Püskens, who work for the Thyssenkrupp Group in various functions. On the employee side, Ali Güzel, Chairman of the Works Council at the Duisburg-Hamborn site, succeeds Tekin Nasikkol.

New appointments to the Executive Board

In addition, the Supervisory Board of Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG has confirmed Dennis Grimm as Spokesman of the Executive Board, who has already held the position of Spokesman of the Executive Board on an interim basis since the end of August. Grimm will assume overall operational responsibility as well as the technological management and further development of the company. He is also responsible for the technological implementation of the green transformation. Grimm is also provisionally responsible for the newly tailored sales and innovation department.

Dr.-Ing. Marie Jaroni, member of the Executive Board responsible for strategic development and performance-oriented management © Thyssenkrupp Steel
Dr.-Ing. Marie Jaroni, Executive Board member responsible for strategic development and performance-oriented management
© Thyssenkrupp Steel
Dr.-Ing. Marie Jaroni, previously Executive Vice President Steel at Thyssenkrupp AG, will be appointed to the Executive Board on October 1, 2024. In a newly created department, she will be responsible for the strategic development and performance-oriented management of the company towards greater competitiveness. Philipp Conze was confirmed as Chief Financial Officer. He will also continue to head the Human Resources department until a successor has been appointed. Ilse Henne, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Thyssenkrupp Steel: “The realignment of Thyssenkrupp Steel is making progress. With the new appointments to the Supervisory Board and Executive Board, we want to tackle the major challenges of structural realignment, independence and green transformation together. The task now is to set the course for a successful future for the company together with thyssenkrupp AG and the employee representatives. The remaining vacancies on the Executive Board will be filled as quickly as possible.” Web: