The program for the 14th Stamping Technology Congress on 8. and April 9, 2024 in Dortmund

Das Tagungsprogramm zum 14. Kongress Stanztechnik steht. Rund um die drei Themenbereiche „Green Production“, „Connected Processes“ und „Intelligente Werkzeugkonzepte“ laden die Organisatoren am 8. und 9. April zu einem umfangreichen Programm mit 14 Fachvorträgen und einer Podiumsdiskussion ein. (Foto von 2022) © KIST

The organizers are inviting visitors to 14 specialist presentations and a panel discussion on the three topics of “Green Production”, “Connected Processes” and “Intelligent Tool Concepts”.

Networked processes and automation solutions

The event begins on Monday at 9.30 a.m. with a welcome and introduction by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk, Chair of Forming Technology and Foundry Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. This will be followed by presentations on “Networked processes – automation solutions: Tool to periphery”. The first, “Resource-efficient manufacturing with intelligent Bihler tool concepts and fully networked automation solutions”, will be given by Christian Franke, Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik. Marc Decker, Automatic-Systeme Dreher, will then address the question “”Ready for the future? A look at press automation”.

Thomas Stäuble, Georg Senn and Dr.-Ing. Hannes Weiss from the Swiss company SWD AG will then report on “Revolutionary stator and rotor production”.

Parallel to the two-day event, numerous exhibitors will be presenting innovative products and services relating to stamping technology at the accompanying trade exhibition. (Photo from 2023) © KIST
Parallel to the two-day event, numerous exhibitors will be presenting innovative products and services relating to stamping technology at the accompanying trade exhibition. (Photo from 2023)

Green production – requirements, challenges, opportunities

Achim Kuhli, Bruderer Germany, will follow with the first presentation on green production on “CO2 footprint – life cycle analysis of an automatic punching press”. Dr. Andreas Pichler, Voestalpine Stahl, will then speak about “Sustainable green steel with the best properties”.

The next speaker, Lisa-Marie Knoche from VIA Consult, will provide insights on the topic of “Challenge or opportunity? Sustainability in SMEs – the implementation of legal and customer-specific requirements in a medium-sized company”. In keeping with this theme, Walter Ebenhöh from Iwis Smart Connect will conclude the congress day before the participants head off to the evening event. He will present insights on the topic of “Challenges in SMEs – in the changing supply chain”.

Dr.-Ing. Katrin Meier from the BMW Group begins Tuesday with a presentation on “Evaluation and reduction of CO2 in the supply chain”. After her, Dr. Philipp Sinn from Sinn Power will be the last speaker on “Green Production”. He will talk about “Our stamping technology sector – our sensible energy supply of tomorrow”.

In the subsequent panel discussion, the participants will exchange views on “Green production – the tension between political targets and real production requirements”.

The benefits of intelligent tool concepts

Four presentations on the third focus “Intelligent tool concepts – from standardization to active tool control” round off the programme. Michael Zeitz, Meusburger Georg, and Paolo Ampezzan from Fischer & Kaufmann deal with “Strengthening competitiveness in punching tool manufacturing [zu] – innovative solutions to reduce resources”. “Million Guide guide unit – maximum precision and stability” is the title of the subsequent presentation by Jürgen Thiel, Fibro.

“Coating technology in tool technology” will then be the focus of Olaf Klein from Oerlikon Balzer Coating Germany. The event will close on Tuesday at around 4.10 p.m. with the presentation “Fineblanking of high-performance gears” by Anian Nürnberg, Chair of Forming Technology and Foundry Engineering at the Technical University of Munich.

Numerous trade visitors and exhibitors

Around 250 participants from production, development, design, research and teaching are expected to attend the traditional industry meeting for stamping technology in the Westfalenhalle congress center. Parallel to the two-day event, numerous exhibitors will be presenting innovative products and services relating to stamping technology at the accompanying trade exhibition.

The event is organized by the Competence and Innovation Center for Stamping Technology Dortmund e. V. (KIST) and the Chair of Forming Technology and Foundry Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. Supporters include the Industrieverband Blechumformung e.V. (IBU), Hagen, and the Institut für Umformtechnik der mittelständischen Wirtschaft (IFU GmbH), Lüdenscheid.

Competence and Innovation Center for Stamping Technology Dortmund e.V. (KIST):

KIST sees itself as a technology catalyst in the stamping industry and promoter of personnel development for machine operators and managers. Among other things, specialized training and courses are offered. The center employs 12 people. The initiator and chairman of the board of KIST is Adolf Edler von Graeve, who was previously managing partner of Bruderer GmbH Germany for more than 40 years.

The association was founded in 2005 as an innovative model project with the support of the European Social Fund, the North Rhine-Westphalian state government and the city of Dortmund. Its members include around 100 companies from German-speaking countries and other European countries.
KIST is also internationally known as the organizer of the Stamping Technology Congress, Europe’s leading trade event for the industry, which it has been organizing together with the Technical University of Munich since 2009.
