Economical blasting of sheet metal parts of various sizes

Agtos-Trommel-Strahlanlage zur wirtschaftlichen Bearbeitung kleiner Blechteile © Agtos

In addition to sheet metal panels and profiles, many plants also require smaller sheet metal parts, such as gussets and connecting plates. These also require blasting to remove welding residues, rust and impurities, or to prepare for subsequent coating.

At this year’s Euroblech, blast machine manufacturer Agtos therefore exhibited a drum blast machine. One advantage of this machine type is the small “footprint” in the production hall, i.e. the compact design. Compared to other types of machines, drum-type shot blast machines do not cause jamming and damage to workpieces, even with small parts. The blasting process is automated and therefore requires less manpower.

In addition, concepts for the machining of large parts will of course also be shown. Agtos roller conveyor blast cleaning systems offer many advantages in terms of economical operation and maintenance. The manufacturer of special equipment presents various solutions for machining very heavy or large workpieces and structures.

The topic of digitization was addressed several times. Based on data collected and collated during the production process, conclusions can be drawn about the service needs of the machines. This was illustrated at the booth with examples. When service is required, the recently launched Agtos service app can replace scheduled and delayed visits by service professionals by providing in-time support.
Sustainable production is becoming increasingly important. The trade show team therefore used specific examples to show how high the consumption of individual processes is. In addition, there were indications of where energy and costs can be saved in blasting technology.
Agtos also exhibited at this year’s Euroblech together with its partner company SLF Oberflächentechnik GmbH. This meant that all questions relating to blasting and painting could be clarified directly on site.
