The right cleaning process

Das zweisprachige Fachforum der Parts2clean zählt seit vielen Jahren zu den Highlights der internationalen Leitmesse. © Deutsche Messe

Today, component cleaning is a quality- and cost-relevant production step in all industrial sectors, and its importance is continuously increasing. In the future, the competitiveness of companies will therefore depend even more on meeting high demands on resource and energy efficiency in addition to component-specific cleanliness requirements. As an information and procurement platform with the world’s most comprehensive range, Parts2clean offers the right solutions for this. The supporting program of the 20th leading international trade fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning, which will be held from 26 to 28 September 2023 at the Stuttgart exhibition center, will also provide information on trends, innovations and benchmark applications.

Modified and new components, changed manufacturing and coating technologies, innovative materials and material combinations, the advancing digitalization of manufacturing – these and other trends also require new and adapted cleaning processes in industrial parts and surface cleaning. In addition to particulate contaminants, there is an increasing focus on filmic contaminants that are stable and efficient to remove. At the same time, increasingly stringent energy efficiency and climate protection targets must be met.

Component cleaning is gaining in importance. © Deutsche Messe
Component cleaning is gaining in importance.
© Deutsche Messe

Solutions for all industries and tasks

“For these increased requirements, the exhibitors at this year’s Parts2clean will present optimally adapted and future-oriented solutions,” reports Christoph Nowak, Project Director at Deutsche Messe AG. “These include developments in wet chemical processes and dry cleaning technologies, as well as for improved energy and resource efficiency, greater cost-effectiveness and flexibility, and the integration of component cleaning into networked manufacturing processes.”

A novelty at the anniversary event is the addition of the topic “High Purity” to the Parts2clean core areas, which addresses special solutions, for example, for the semiconductor supplier industry, medical technology, sensor technology, electronics and various applications related to electromobility. The leading international trade fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning will be held from September 26-28, 2023, at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center in Germany.

Supporting program with topics relevant to the competition

The exhibitor presentations, which cover a wide range of industries, technologies and materials, will be complemented by a supporting program perfectly adapted to the current challenges in component cleaning. “With knowledge and know-how as well as solution approaches for process design, adaptation and optimization, this involves competition-relevant topics that are not dealt with anywhere else to this extent,” notes Christoph Nowak.

Bilingual expert forum – added value knowledge on basics and trends

For many years, the bilingual technical forum at Parts2clean has been one of the highlights of the leading international trade fair. Renowned experts from research and science as well as from associations and industry offer in simultaneously translated (German <> English) presentations at this year’s event will provide knowledge and know-how as well as benchmark solutions on the following topics: Basics of industrial cleaning processes – this includes presentations on the mode of action of cleaning processes and media, drying processes, special features and suitability of product carriers, and component design suitable for cleaning.

The session “Monitoring and controlling cleaning processes”, for example, will focus on process automation, the use of AI (artificial intelligence) for cleaning and analysis processes, and integration into factory automation systems.
In the lecture block “Cleaning for electrical engineering/electronics”, practical examples and special solutions will be presented as well as fundamental challenges and the possibilities and limits of cleaning technology.

The area “High Purity Applications – Challenges and Solutions” addresses applications for, for example, EUV lithography, semiconductor manufacturing, microtechnology, medical and pharmaceutical technology and presents innovations.
When it comes to verifying the technical cleanliness achieved, the articles in the “Monitoring and analyzing cleaned surfaces” section provide detailed information and solutions.

Process chain Technical cleanliness

How can the required component cleanliness not only be achieved in the process, but also verified? Answers to this question are provided by the special show “Technical Cleanliness” organized jointly with the CEC (Cleaning Excellence Center). The path and implementation of innovative technologies for component cleanliness and the accompanying quality assurance are shown here.

Award and special show area

The Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V. (FiT) will also be represented again with a special show area and an interesting program. One of the highlights will certainly be the presentation of the FiT2clean Award on September 28. This award, worth 10,000 euros, will be presented for the second time during this year’s Parts2clean. The prize is awarded annually for outstanding achievements and innovative solutions in industrial component cleaning. Information on the supporting program as well as the complete lecture program of the specialist forum are expected to be available on the Parts2clean homepage from the beginning of August.
